How can i get current user groups from Azure AD using claims in dotnet core?
I have a dotnet core web application and this app authorisation is working based on azure AD. services.AddAuthentication(options=>{ options.DefaultScheme = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme; …
When running the [await SecureStorage. SetAsync] command in the MAUI IOS simulator, an error is reported: Error adding record: MissingEntity
An error is reported when running the [await SecureStorage. SetAsync] command in the MAUI IOS simulator. The error is [Error adding record: MissingEntitlement]. Is this not a permission in IOS? How should it be set?
How to update MAUI workload to latest (8.0.20)
How do I update my .NET MAUI workload to the latest stable version 8.0.20? The latest version can be found here: When i run sudo dotnet workload update then it doesn't update to the latest version of…
Entry UnFocused Event not trigger after change value
After changing the value of an entry, the 'Entry Unfocused' event does not trigger, nor does it trigger when clicking on any other page after changing the entry value. please provide me any solution or any patch to fix this issue.
OpenIdConnect with request object
Version: .net 6.0 Our idp now requests that all new authentication implementations use oidc request object method instead of query parameters. I have gotten the request object itself and signing it with our private key to work correctly and the idp…
Add Validator in Blazor
I want Location text box to accept only alphabets both cases,number and comma 1)a-z 2) A-Z 3) 0-9 4) comma(,) So Location can be like 125 Harkness Ave,Pasadena or London,Ontario Location shouldnt accept %![ etc. Please suggest how do I add Validator in…
How to use. net8 for VS2022 for Mac? I only have. net6 and. net7 options, but I have installed the. net8 package locally. Thank you for your help!
How to use. net8 for VS2022 for Mac? I only have. net6 and. net7 options, but I have installed the. net8 package locally. Thank you for your help!
How to make .aar workable in maui project ?
Hi all, I am trying integrate a android native sdk into maui, Made a project with Android Java Library Binding, By looking into the docs. But after that total of 3 error are occuring. 1. The type or namespace name 'ProgressStateEventArgs' does not…
Maui app crach
Hi, App fall after runing one week, what is the reason ? Fault offset: 0x00000000000fc1b9 Faulting process id: 0xf34 Faulting application start time: 0x01da8671c6d536eb Faulting application path:…
Transparent flyout items
I don't know why, but if I change my flyout to "Locked "in Desktop In cannot see anything my pages are there, and I can navigate but I cannot see. FlyoutBehavior="{OnIdiom Desktop=Locked, Phone=Flyout}" …
How to implement "When the maui project is executed and compiled to generate an EXE, how to place all the dependent dll files of the EXE in the libs directory under the EXE directory"
I am a beginner of MAUI. I developed a simple Windows project using maui. I now encounter a problem. The problem is that the compilation result of this project will copy all the dependent DLLs of the EXE to the same directory of the EXE. These DLLs…
internal error in the .NET Runtime at IP 70DE92C3
Application terminates when loading report viewer, event viewer shows an error: "internal error in the .NET Runtime at IP 70DE92C3"
C# ASP.NET MVC: develop app with running tasks and ASP.NET MVC web UI to control it
There's a url from which I need to run api get data in JSON format and store to MS-Sql Server. This project will run mostly on server(s). We also need an application to provide an interface so that whenever needed user can select which data to be stored…
how to render razor page to another based on provide logic to login
<MudPaper Class="px-6 pb-8 pt-3 rounded-t-0"> @if (IsPhoneNumberPresent) { <RegistrationForm LoginModel="@(new OtpRegisterVm { Username = LoginPhoneNumber, CountryCode = CountryCode })" /> } else { …
How to render a razor page to another razorpage based on its conditions to login
<RegistrationForm LoginModel="new OtpRegisterVm { Username = LoginPhoneNumber, CountryCode = CountryCode}" /> } else { <RegistrationForm /> } </div> <RegistrationForm LoginModel="@(new OtpRegisterVm { Username =…
How can pass from Datatable Data To Controller IActionResult
I want to insert some data from my datatable into another table. The checked data in my datatable is the result of the controller's action through I ajax I want to send array as parameter. Thanks in advance for your help. var table =…
Getting the following error when deploying a Blazor Server App using Deployment Center: Azure Repos
error MSB3644: The reference assemblies for .NETFramework,Version=v8.0 were not found. To resolve this, install the Developer Pack (SDK/Targeting Pack) for this framework version or retarget your application. My application runs fine locally and was…
How to implement layered architecture?
Hello I started working on layered architecture to write some more professional code in C#. As a result of research on the internet, I saw that each person implements layered architecture differently. This caused confusion. I use the MVVM pattern in my…
How to Make Span Text/content Wrapped if it exceeds?
Here if my account number exceeds the numbers from last get cut/disappear. So I used LineBreakMode to WordWrap in label but this is also not working here. <Label FontFamily="InterstateRegular"> …
Moving xamarin.ios to new SKD style issues
I am trying to move my xamarin.ios project to the new SDK style as MS is no longer supporting the previous methods. I am following the steps at But I get multiple…